'Nuff said. <333333333333333
Pretty much one of the only really good things that have happened in this entire frikkin' stupid exam period. *-*"
Other than that, it's just studying, studying, studying, and (wait for it....wait for it....) MORE studying. x_x yeah. Cue on overexposure right about this moment. Seriously, I'm this close to going mental. @_@ Though most of it has payed off so far, so I can't really complain. My grades are higher than they were last year around this time, which can only be a good thing, right? And I've only got two more exams to live through, which is not that bad, considering what I've already gone through so far, so I think I'll be okay. XD
Anyway, I just wanted to put that printscreen up to celebrate the return of my dear Larsie-kun, whom I've missed so effin' much, like you couldn't believe, seriously. AND best part is, he's gonna be around from now on, cuz he's got his internet connection set up properly at his new place, so I'mma have him back! <333 yey!
And now it's back to (yes, you got it right =_=) some more studying for this little critter. XP
Keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow!