luni, 24 noiembrie 2008
Yeah, I know, I can't quite believe it myself. My blog has been pink-efied. Indeed. Get over it. XP

I know I said that I hate pink and anything related to pink - and I do. Still do. Only thing is, I've decided to try something different for a change.
I'm not saying I like it, in fact I'll probably switch back to my old one or to something else in the morning. But for now at least, this one's here.

I had a nice little chat tonight with one of my dear, dear friends -namely, Lars from Denmark-, and he's helped me get back on my feet from the sudden blow of depression from a couple hours ago. I doubt he knows it himself, but he's been an incredible help, as always when I need him. I didn't even mention to him the state I was in, but he was still amazing like that and helped me through it and lightened my mood like no one else could ever do. And for that I am forever grateful to him. He doesn't read my blog, doesn't even have the link, mainly because he's been graceful enough not to ask for it, which is another thing that makes him so cool. But even if he doesn't read it, I still wanna mention him and how amazing a person he is and how he's one of the very few people that I call 'my friend' without a second thought. Despite the fact that he lives many miles away and that we've only known each other for just a couple of years, he's somehow managed, time and again, to be much more of a moral support and invaluable help than many of the people around me are, and for that I cherish him immensely and will forever do. Love ya tons and tons, Larsie-kun! <333

So yeah. It's partially thanks to the boost of positive moral that he's given me that I chose to swallow my pride, at least for one night, and pretty-fy my layout a little. XP

It's also because of my chat with him that I am writing this post entirely in English, as opposed to the English/Romanian mix I usually use.

Erm...yes. That's it. Now I think I'mma head over to bed so I can grab a couple hours of sleep. Toodle-oo! XD

Posted by Nana at 01:41 |


At 26 noiembrie 2008 la 00:02, Anonymous Anonim said........
Stiu sentimentul...
Cunosc si eu vreo cateva persoane care m-au ajutat enorm de mult si nici macar nu au idee, desi poate ca e mai bine asa...
E bine... e placut sa ai pe cineva cu care sa poti vorbi cand esti suparat si care sa te poata binedispune, rar gasesti o asemenea persoana...

At 26 noiembrie 2008 la 18:45, Anonymous Anonim said........
True that. They're very rare, which is a shame, because the world would really need more people like them.

Good thing that we each have our own, though. We're very ucky. :D