luni, 28 septembrie 2009
Despite my previous (*coughdepressingcough*) post, today I'm going to talk about happy things. I'm going to talk about those happy things that life sometimes throws our way, often without us even realizing it. Little wonders that we may not even notice, but which make our lives easier to bear with; that we may not even remember, but which leave their unmistakable imprint on the way we perceive life and all its beauty.

They may not even be big things - it may just be the smile you get from your next-door neighbor early in the morning, when you're struggling to wake up to get to school on time (or work, respectively XD), or the way the sun shines on the dirty streets or cars that you pass by on your way across town; it may be the way your mom says "I love you" and then kisses you lovingly on the top of your head, or the way your dad doesn't mind you fooling around every once in a while, acting like a 5-year-old on sugar high (and don't we all know we love doing that sometimes!); it maybe the way your friends accept your crazy, loud, occasionally obnoxious and often excessively energetic self without questioning if it's worth befriending someone like that, and how they never even mention it; it's the way you know that even when you feel down, there's always someone out there who will want to make you feel better, even if it may not happen right away; it's the way you make up with your sister after weeks-long arguments, and then just pick up where you left off like nothing ever happened; it's the way it feels to drink coffee (or cappuccino, for those of us with a distaste for coffee XD) in the morning (or late morning, respectively) and watch the people go about their way on the street below your window; it's the way you remember the good times when the bad times come, even though that doesn't necessarily make the bad times go away; it's the way we agree to disagree and know that it's okay to argue sometimes, because we always smile in the end; or the way that we just sit in silence for hours, even days at a time, and know that it was time well spent, because we don't have to say it to know that it's there; it's the uncertainty and insecurity that we grow accustomed to, because we're constantly growing and we know that they are a natural part of growing; it's the way we sometimes hurt and cry and feel like there's nothing left worth smiling for; it's the way we like to gossip and point fingers and feel bad about it afterwards, even though it's we all know that highly possible we'll do it all over again next time; it's the way that sometimes something very small catches our eye in some remarkable, breathtaking way, and we're marveled at how we never saw it before; or it may very well be the way that something breathtakingly remarkable passes completely unnoticed, like something very small that we often miss; it may be the way we're left speechless by the way humanity comes together to help those is need when the need arises, and then we question why we ever thought that humanity was a lost cause; and it's the way we don't even pause to jump right in and give a hand, as well; it's the way that new, exciting things come into our lives every day, even though sometimes we fail to notice them; and it's a myriad of other ways in which fate and people and God (or whatever other divinity - or non-divinity, for that matter-) affect us and work together to make up the mountain of experiences and memories that at the end, we call 'life'.

To me, all of those ways are marvelous and unique and worth more than any treasure out there, for they make for the best things about life.
And in their honor, today I want to bring them to our attention again, so that at least for now we can remember some of them and feel grateful that they are there, big or small, long-lasting or just fleeting moments.

Signing off, I leave you with one of my favorite singers and one of his best songs, while I go watch Gilmore Girls with sis. Oh, and that's one of the happy things, too. ^.^ Enjoy!

Posted by Nana at 21:34 |